martes, 29 de octubre de 2013


Have you ever heard about the Spanish festival "La Tomatina"?
Do you know where and when it takes place?
Watch the following video, and learn more about it!
Then ask the following questions:
-Where and when does "La Tomatina" take place?
-How many tons of tomatoes are used every year?
-When was the celebration officially permitted"
-When does the party officially begin?
-How do the locals contribute?
-Who cleans up the mess that is left?

martes, 8 de octubre de 2013


Rock Paper Scissors is one of the world's oldest and most popular games. Children love this game, but so do adults. There are Rock Paper Scissor tournaments in many countries such as the USA, Canada, Australia, Japan and China. In the United Kingdom there is the Team Olimpik Rock Paper Scissors Championship. It takes place at the Knights Templar pub in Westminster, London.

How do you play Rock Paper Scissors? It is a simple game. Two contestants make one of three hand gestures. Rock is a fist; scissors is a fist with the index and middle finger extended into a "V"; and paper is a flat, open palm.
    The players count aloud to three or say the name of the game: Rock! Paper! Scissors!. On each count, the players raise their fists and then swing them down. On the third count, the players extend their hands towards their opponent and "throw" one of the three gestures.
Each gesture defeats one of the others. The rock breaks the scissors; the scissors cut the paper; the paper covers and defeats the rock. If the players throw the same gesture, it is a draw. The players repeat the game.

    The game originated in China. It was first played in the time of the Han Dynasty (206 BC - 220 AD). The game arrived in Japan during the 18th century. It wasn´t until the 20th century that it became popular in Europe and all over the world.
 Rock Paper Scissors is often used to make choices. It is similar to tossing a coin. US federal judge Gregory Presnell used the game to resolve a legal dispute over the location of a deposition. The winner of the game chose the location.

There are different versions of the game. Rock is often substituted by Stone, though the gesture remains the same.
                                                                                          (from "Speak Up" Magazine, n.336)

Have you ever played Rock Paper Scissors? When? What for?
Do you know other popular games? What are their rules? Do you know when they originated?

lunes, 16 de septiembre de 2013


Hello again my dear students,
Unfortunately the holidays have finished  and we must go back to work. This year will be hard  for all of us, but we must do our best, working with enthusiasm, happiness, and always being positive, because the journey will be easier that way.
I wish you the best for this year and I hope that you will learn a lot! And remember: NO PAIN, NO GAIN!

miércoles, 10 de abril de 2013


Margaret Thatcher, known as "The Iron Lady", was the first and only woman to become Prime Minister in the UK. I want you to watch this video and answer the following questions:

-What did she study and where did she graduate?
-When did she become a member of the conservative party?
-How is the Conservative Party also known?
-What did her polices bring to the UK?
-Who called her "The Iron Lady"?
-What boosted her popularity again in 1983?

lunes, 8 de abril de 2013


Do you like reading?

Have you ever thought about the importance of reading?

Read the following text I found out and then answer the following questions:

- Give (using your own words) the 5 most important reasons, in your opinion, why reading is important.
- What are the 3 main reasons, according to Jonathan Kozal, people give for wanting to read. Do you agree with him?
- Do you like reading? What are your reasons for reading? When do you read? What kind of books do you read?

From time to time people have wondered why reading is important. There seems so many other things to do with one's time. Reading is important for a variety of reasons. We will look at some of those fundamental reasons below, but it is important to realize that struggling with vital reading skills in not a sign a low intelligence. For example, John Corcoran, who wrote The Teacher Who Couldn't Read, is a very intelligent man. He graduated from High School and College, became a popular High School teacher and later a successful business man all without being able to read. Many highly intelligent people have struggled with reading although, when properly taught, most people can learn to read easily and quickly.

Now, if a man like John Corcoran can succeed without reading, why is reading important? A person should really read Mr. Corcoran's story to get the feeling of shame, loneliness and fear that he experienced before he learned to read. He was able to succeed in spite of this major handicap because he was a man of intelligence, ability and determination. But, make no mistake, it was a handicap that made life harder and less enjoyable. [Those that are interested in helping children learn to read may consider a degree from Concordia University online.]

Why Is Reading Important?

1. Reading is fundamental to function in today's society. There are many adults who cannot read well enough to understand the instructions on a medicine bottle. That is a scary thought - especially for their children. Filling out applications becomes impossible without help. Reading road or warning signs is difficult. Even following a map becomes a chore. Day-to-day activities that many people take for granted become a source of frustration, anger and fear.

2. Reading is a vital skill in finding a good job. Many well-paying jobs require reading as a part of job performance. There are reports and memos which must be read and responded to. Poor reading skills increases the amount of time it takes to absorb and react in the workplace. A person is limited in what they can accomplish without good reading and comprehension skills.

3. Reading is important because it develops the mind. The mind is a muscle. It needs exercise. Understanding the written word is one way the mind grows in its ability. Teaching young children to read helps them develop their language skills. It also helps them learn to listen. Everybody wants to talk, but few can really listen. Lack of listening skills can result in major misunderstandings which can lead to job loss, marriage breakup, and other disasters - small and great. Reading helps children [and adults] focus on what someone else is communicating.

4. Why is reading important? It is how we discover new things. Books, magazines and even the Internet are great learning tools which require the ability to read and understand what is read. A person who knows how to read can educate themselves in any area of life they are interested in. We live in an age where we overflow with information, but reading is the main way to take advantage of it.

5. Reading develops the imagination. TV and computer games have their place, but they are more like amusement. Amusement comes from two words "a" [non] and "muse" [think]. Amusement is non-thinking activities. With reading, a person can go anywhere in the world...or even out of it! They can be a king, or an adventurer, or a princess, or... The possibilities are endless. Non-readers never experience these joys to the same extent.

6. In line with the above, reading develops the creative side of people. When reading to children, stop every once in awhile and ask them what they think is going to happen next. Get them thinking about the story. When it is finished, ask if they could think of a better ending or anything that would have improved it. If they really liked the story, encourage them to illustrate it with their own drawings or to make up a different story with the same characters. Get the creative juices flowing!

7. Reading is fundamental in developing a good self image. Nonreaders or poor readers often have low opinions of themselves and their abilities. Many times they feel as if the world is against them. They feel isolated [everybody else can read - which isn't true] and behavior problems can surface. They can perform poorly in other subjects because they cannot read and understand the material and so tend to "give up."

8. Why is reading important? Let's keep going... Good reading skills, especially in a phonics reading program, improve spelling. As students learn to sound out letters and words, spelling comes easier. Also, reading helps to expand the vocabulary. Reading new words puts them in their mind for later use. Seeing how words are used in different contexts can give a better understanding of the word usage and definitions than the cold facts of a dictionary.

9. There is an old saying, "The pen is mightier than the sword." Ideas written down have changed the destiny of men and nations for better or worse. The flow of ideas cannot be stopped. We need to read and research to build on the good ideas and expose the bad ideas before they bring destruction. Only by reading can we be armed in this never-ending, life-and-death struggle.

10. The fact of the power of written ideas communicated through reading is a foundational reason why some governments oppose free and honest communication. Illiterate people are easier to control and manipulate. They cannot do their own research and thinking. They must rely on what they are told and how their emotions are swayed. There is a good possibility that this is one of the main reasons phonics was removed from the schools about 100 years ago.

11. Finally, why is reading important? Reading is important because words - spoken and written - are the building blocks of life. You are, right now, the result of words that you have heard or read AND believed about yourself. What you become in the future will depend on the words you believe about yourself now. People, families, relationships, and even nations are built from words. Think about it.

According to Jonathan Kozol in "Illiterate America," quoted in "The Teacher Who Couldn't Read,'" the three main reasons people give for wanting to read are:

1. To read the Bible,
2. To read books and newspapers, and
3. To help their children.

I think everyone can conclude that reading is a vital skill!

domingo, 3 de marzo de 2013


People commemorate the International Women´s Day on March 8th every year. I have found this video about some achievements women have done. What´s your opinion about it?  Do you think there is equality today? Can you give any examples of inequality?

jueves, 14 de febrero de 2013


As it is Valentine´s Day today, I want you to do this quiz having to do with love and heart. Tell me your answers and how you did!


You are going to listen to what some people in London said about their ideal date. Listen to them and join the conversation afterwards by telling me about your perfect date.


As Cupids fire their arrows and couples celebrate Valentine´s Day today, I have dedicated this entry to love... Look at the following phrases I found in a magazine:

"When you fish for love, bait with your heart, not your brain." Mark Twain
"The greatest thing you´ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return." Eden Ahbez
"Don´t wait for the one you can live with, wait for the one you can´t live without. "
"No cord of cable can draw so forcibly of bind so fast, as love can  do with a single thread." Robert Burton
"A man loses his sense of direction after four drinks; a woman loses hers after four kisses." H.L. Mencken

I want you to send me some more more romantic sentences (they can be popular or you can make them up). You can also tell me what you think about Saint Valentine´s Day. Do you enjoy it or do you think it´s just a commercial invention? Have you ever fallen in love? Are you  in love now?
I´m looking forward to your comments!!!!

jueves, 17 de enero de 2013


Hello again, my dear students!
Have your eyes ever been bigger than your stomach?
In the following video you are going to learn 3 idioms including the word EYE. Tell me what they mean and make up three sentences including the 3 idioms.