Charles Dickens, one of the greatest writers in English Literature, was born 2oo years ago. I want you to watch the following video and learn 3 new words/expressions related to Dickens :"Dickensian," "scrooge" and "What the dickens...?" Tell me the meaning of these 3 expressions, and send me a few sentences using each of the expressions. You can also tell me what you know about Dickens (date and place of birth, title of main works, etc.)I hope you enjoy it!
Do you like football? What do you think of it? Is it your favourite sport? Tell me about it, including your favourite player, favourite team etc. Do the following quiz too to discover how much you know about football, and tell me how you did.
You´ve heard Big Ben lots of times, but have you ever wondered what it´s like up there in the belfry with the world´s most famous bell? Here´s your chance to visit Big Ben and see behind the scenes in the clock tower. Watch the video and answer the following questions:
1. How many stairs do you have to climb to the belfry tower?
2. How much does Big Ben weigh?
3.When does Big Ben chime?
4. How many times has it chimed in the last 150 years?